Zephyr Eyed Silkmoth oil painting
An original oil painting of a Zephyr Eyed Silkmoth. They are native to the US and the area where I live. I had started this painting and had never seen one here before, the next night there was one on my front porch.
12” x12” x3”
An original oil painting of a Zephyr Eyed Silkmoth. They are native to the US and the area where I live. I had started this painting and had never seen one here before, the next night there was one on my front porch.
12” x12” x3”
An original oil painting of a Zephyr Eyed Silkmoth. They are native to the US and the area where I live. I had started this painting and had never seen one here before, the next night there was one on my front porch.
12” x12” x3”